
This script is essentially the front man for interacting with the Solana Web3 API / RPC. It's functions are called from CryptoReceiver.cs apart from the Solana Transaction which can be called from any script.


This is called from the Awake function in CryptoReceiver.cs and it loads the Solana Web3 JS package into the page. This also links to 2 more functions to load the @solana/spl-token and @metaplex/js libraries.


This function takes the service value from the OnConnect in CryptoReceiver and uses it to dictate which Wallet Extension it will attempt to connect with. It will pass back the wallet address to CryptoReceiver in a callback and also pass it to the SolanaTokens function.


This function interacts with the Solana JSON RPC to get all the Token Accounts owned by your Wallet. It will then send all of the SPL Tokens to the CryptoReceiver.


This function has replaced the previous Vlawmz() function. It's a more simple way of grabbing a list of owned NFT metadata using the @Mataplex/js library.


This is the final function the the chain to grab the Metadata of NFTs. It fetches a JSON response from the Metadata URLs and then sends selective parts of the response for each one back to the CryptoReceiver script.

SendSolTransaction(destination, amount, callback)

This function can be called from any script and you can pass in a Destination address and amount to send. There is a demonstration of this in the TransactionUIHandler.cs Demo script. You will need to add this where you add variables at the start of the script.

    private static extern string SendSolTransaction(string destination, Double amount, Action<bool> callback);

Then if you want to call it you can by passing in the destination wallet and also the amount as a Double value along with the callback function as the arguments like below. For an example amount, 0.1 would be 0.1 SOL.

SendSolTransaction("WalletAddressHere", 0.1, OnTransactionCallback);

Then you need a function to handle the callback, in the demo there is one provided which displays a popup and shows whether the transaction was successful or not.

[MonoPInvokeCallback (typeof (Action<bool>))]
public static void OnTransactionCallback(bool result)
    if (result) {
        gallery.transactionResult.text = ("Success");
    else {
        gallery.transactionResult.text = ("Failed");

SendSPLTransaction(destination, amount, mint, decimals, callback)

This function can be called from any script and you can pass in a Destination address, amount, token mint address and the decimals of the token to send. There is a demonstration of this in the TransactionUIHandler.cs Demo script. You will need to add this where you add variables at the start of the script.

    private static extern string SendSPLTransaction(string destination, Double amount, string mint, int decimals, Action<bool> callback);

Then if you want to call it you can by passing in the destination wallet, amount as a Double value , mint address for the token and its decimals along with the callback function as the arguments like below.

/SendSPLTransaction(destination.text, doubleAmount, mint, decimals, OnTransactionCallback);

Then you need a function to handle the callback, in the demo there is one provided which displays a popup and shows whether the transaction was successful or not. You can use the same Callback function for SOL and SPL Transactions.

[MonoPInvokeCallback (typeof (Action<bool>))]
public static void OnTransactionCallback(bool result)
    if (result) {
        gallery.transactionResult.text = ("Success");
    else {
        gallery.transactionResult.text = ("Failed");

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