Provided Demos

Provided Demos

Card Demo

This demo started as a sample of how to instantiate cards into your scene from the NFTPrefab objects in the CryptoReceiver.CR.myNFTs List but after the addition of Attributes I changed the Cards to a larger covered area to showcase the Name, Description, Image and Attributes.

Feel free to reuse any of the code from it or just edit the scene to your liking.

The same applies from the Card Demo originally, but the NFTs will be instantiated as art works in an art 3D art gallery environment (apologies for the poor character controller)

SOL Transaction Demo

This is just a simple demo to send an amount of SOL to an address, use it more as a code reference from the scripts. Due to the lack of support for WebGL builds in 2021 to access the System's Clipboard, we can't natively Copy/Paste an address in so for test purposes, change the vale of the Address text before building.

SPL Transaction Demo

Exactly the same as the SOL Transaction Demo apart from it handles SPL Transactions.

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