
The CryptoReceiver script serves as a collection point for anything passed back through the solana.jslib functions. It stores a list of NFTs that can be accessed from any script by using CryptoReceiver.CR.myNFTs and is a list populated with CryptoNFT ScriptableObjects. It also holds a variable for an RPC Endpoint URL which can be changed from the CryptoReceiver Component in your Scene (by default set to Solana Public Endpoint for 'mainnet-beta).



On awake, the script checks that there are currently no other instances of it running, if there is, it will destroy itself. If there isn't, it will set to DontDestroyOnLoad then it will call the GetSolanaWebJS() function on the solana.jslib which will add the Solana Web3 JavaScript package to the web page so we can interact with it.


This was the original function of the asset for receiving all the NFT mint addresses. It receives them one by one from the solana.jslib and adds them to a List<> of strings. I kept this function in as some people may only need to check against the ownership of an NFT and not need to use the Metadata so could avoid the extra processing.


This function receives all the NFT Metadata that is sent from solana.jslib. It is all received in a single String so it uses Split with the separating character ¬ so we can use each part of it. The attributes also all come in a String which is then separated with | between each attribute and ~ between each trait/value. It then instantiated a new CryptoNFT ScriptableObject for the NFT containing the data received and adds it to the myNFTs List<>.


This function receives all the wallets SPL Tokens and stores them in a List just like the NFTs with a SPLToken ScriptableObject which holds the mint address, amount as a float and the decimal amounts.

OnConnect(string service, string endpoint, OnConnected)

This is the function you need to call from to request the user to login with their Solana wallet. It accepts a string which is for the extension it will try to connect with. Currently you can pass phantom or solflare as the value. It also passes the RPC Endpoint URL to connect to. After a wallet is connected, it will call the OnConnected callback function which then sets the Wallet Address.


This function receives the connected wallet's address after log in. It will saves it to the walletAddress variable and also create a more UI friendly address like AaAaA.....BbBbB and store it in the shortAddress variable. If the received address is null, its because either the user rejected/cancelled the login or the extension isn't installed and it's redirected them to the website to install it.

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