FAQ / Technical
In case you missed it...
I've verified, now what?
Once you have linked you account, your wallet will be included in the next role update which currently runs once every 30 minutes.
I've just purchased an NFT but haven't received my roles yet?
The holders of a collection are snapshotted by our backend every 30 minutes, the Bot pulls the data from this every 10 minutes to stay up to date. You will get your roles during the next update period.
I can't add any more Collections or Roles
There are limits to what we offer. You can view them on the Pricing page.
My rarities aren't working
If you have recently added the collection, they may be waiting rarity calculation. On the next Snapshot, the metadata will all be downloaded and the rarities will be calculated.
Other issues or enquiries
Please don't hesitate to email or contact me on Discord with any issues
puppygamingdev@gmail.com : Shiffed#2071
Last updated